"Ella" - My Newest Doll In Progress - and Blog Practice

I'm blogging because I need to practice getting around my website and updating it so here I am...
My newest doll "Ella" is slowly coming along. I've changed my mind quite a few times of her whole theme, etc. She originally started out as a little girl possibly holding a doll. After I painted her face and finished everything around her eyes, she looked older so now she will be a young girl leaving home for whatever reason. That could be the viewers perception of where she is going and why. I think now she will be holding a little leather bound diary entitled, "Hopes and Dreams". I've been holding up fabric to try and decide what the rest of her outfit will look like. She has a lot more to be done and will be sitting on top of an old fashioned suitcase/steamer trunk but I need to figure that out yet
I really enjoy coming up with my own creations. In the future, I"m not sure how many custom creations I will be able to do. Ever since I switched to paper clay, I feel more inspired than ever and have so many ideas and doll themes I want to create. The polymer clay is great but I found it really kills my hands and aggravates arthritis. I usually use it for my pet sculptures and as much as I love animals, it's something I have to decide on how often I will be creating them.
If all goes well, I will definitely be doing the Quinlan Doll and Teddybear Show again next year and possibly find some other things to enter, organizations to become part of, etc. I'll be putting holiday ornaments in my Etsy store too. I'm looking forward to all that's coming and couldn't be more grateful to be able to do this and constantly be able to learn new things.
Thanks everybody for all your kind words and for following me on Facebook. I appreciate it more than you know.